In this section you will find the list of the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking here

If you book on a brokerage site, the rate purchased includes unlimited km, road and possibly airport charges, body damage and theft deductibles and VAT. If, at the time of booking, therefore before showing up at the rental desk, you purchase insurance packages, this means that you will necessarily have to have a credit card to present at the desk, so that Target Rent can protect itself by blocking the relevant amount to the deductibles as per the table below. In the event of any damage, Target Rent will charge you the cost of the damage which you will have reimbursed by the broker.

Target Rent only accepts all Visa and Mastercard cards issued by a primary banking institution, and not a financial one, and which has embossed letters, as well as the name of the card holder. Attention: many banking or financial institutions give their customers credit cards, which are actually debit cards. What differentiates a credit card from a debit card? The possibility of blocking a deposit and the possibility of making a delay charge, i.e. a deferred charge at the end of the rental, for any charges for damages, fuel, extra days, fines and/or administrative costs. What is the condition for a credit card not issued by a primary banking institution or a debit card to be accepted? The purchase of packages that include the elimination of the deductible and which vary based on the rental station and the seasonality of the rental.


We do not accept virtual cards, nor any other credit cards other than Visa and Mastercard.

Target Rent Italy Srl reserves the right not to accept credit cards whose expiration dates are less than 30 (thirty) days from the closing of the rental contract. This is necessary to manage costs relating to the numerous reports that Target Rent Italy Srl receives from the Competent Authorities, with a delay of even more than 30 days.

The car is normally delivered with a full tank, and must be returned with a full tank. In exceptional cases, i.e. in cases of very high vehicle turn-over, it could happen that the car is not delivered with a full tank. In this case, the customer must return the car with the same fuel level present at delivery. No refunds will be given if the fuel level exceeds the initial level.

If the booking takes place on the Target Rent website, the cost of cancellation is equivalent to the deposit paid at the time of the cancellation; if, however, the booking is made through a brokerage site, the costs depend on the latter

If the booking is made on the Target Rent website, you can change the name directly at the counter with an additional cost that varies according to the season and the reference station; if, however, the booking is made through a brokerage site, the costs depend on the latter.

Given the high level of turnover of the vehicles, it is not possible to guarantee the delivery of a specific model. In fact, in the reservation we always include the wording "or similar", which indicates that a car belonging to the group similar to the car displayed in the reservation will be delivered. In exceptional cases, where the wording “model guaranteed” is inserted, the model is guaranteed.

The minimum age allowed is 21 years; for drivers up to 25 years old, a surcharge must be paid.

The maximum age allowed is 75 years: for drivers up to 80 years of age, a surcharge must be paid.

It is possible that the car is also driven by other drivers; in this regard, a surcharge must be paid

Cross-border travel is permitted at a cost of €10 per day with VAT, for a maximum of €70 in total. The countries in which transit is allowed are the following: France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia. This applies to the stations of Venice, Verona, Bergamo, Fiumicino

When picking up the rental car, the main driver must present a valid driving license, passport or ID card and Target Rent voucher. Furthermore, it is necessary to show a credit card issued by a primary banking (and not financial) institution, with embossed numbers and must contain the name and surname of the contract holder.

Attention! Financial institutions often issue debit cards, selling them to their customers as credit cards; it is necessary to verify that the hypothetical Credit Card has the possibility of carrying out the DelayCharge, in case of charges for damages, extra days, or lack of fuel.

The collection or return of the car outside of hours is upon request at a variable cost.

By policy, return to offices other than those of delivery is not permitted, except for individual exceptions resulting from operational needs of Target Rent.

the extension is not always applicable. And it's on request. If so, you can easily extend or move the rental period. Depending on the change, an additional fee may be charged. Please communicate the change at least 24 hours before the rental date

If the vehicle is not running, the Roadside Assistance service is available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on the number found on your rental letter. You must always wait for the tow truck at the location of the stoppage. To also benefit from a replacement vehicle, you must contact the agency where the vehicle was collected. You may use an alternative means of transport (for example taxi or train), if duly requested and authorized by Roadside Assistance itself, in order to reach the agency.

If the vehicle is in a condition to continue, it is necessary in any case to contact the agency where the vehicle was collected in order to leave the broken down or damaged vehicle and collect another replacement vehicle.

In the event of an accident, remember to always fill in all parts of the CAI (Friendly Accident Report) form, present inside the vehicle. It is also necessary to send the CAI within 24 hours of the event to a Target Rent agency. The replacement car will be delivered only if the damage was not caused by the customer's incompetence (reckless driving, incorrect refueling, improper driving).

A day includes a duration of 24 hours. Your rental car must be delivered at the same time you received it. This is clearly in your rental agreement. Let's say you rent a car from January 1st to January 7th. You will receive the rental car at 1.30 pm. Then you can use the rental car for a whole week, until 1.30pm on January 7th at the latest, then you need to return it.

The driving license must always be original, clearly legible, not damaged and valid for the entire rental period.

It is not possible unless, exceptionally, and with additional costs, the delivery rental station agrees.

How and when do I receive the rental invoice?

When returning the vehicle, after the closing of the rental contract, our agency will print and deliver the invoice directly to the Customer.

Is it possible to receive the invoice via email?

Yes, it is possible, in fact when signing the rental letter it will be necessary to provide an e-mail address or mobile phone, through which our agency can send the invoice directly; or by requesting it at info@targetrent.it

You should always contact the relevant rental station. Up to 59 minutes of delay there is no additional cost. From 60 minutes onwards, additional costs must be paid.

The fine will be sent directly to the customer who is the owner of the rental contract on the day and at the precise moment in which the infringement was committed. The report relating to the contravention will be sent to the customer by the competent authorities who detected the infringement, and it is the customer's responsibility to make the payment within the legal terms.

Who is the report sent by?

The Customer can first receive a copy of the report, attached to the invoice relating to the cost of administrative expenses as indicated in the Target Rent Price List; however, he will subsequently also receive the original of the report directly from the competent authorities, together with the payment slip for the fine itself.

What are "administrative costs"?

This is the cost for managing the administrative procedure in the event of re-notification of a fine which Target Rent charges back to the customer: the user is in fact required to pay the costs of managing the procedure, as provided for in our General Rental Conditions, signed through the rental letter

How is the cost of administrative expenses paid?

This cost is charged via the credit card used for the rental, when the re-notification is made by Target Rent, as provided for in the General Conditions signed at the beginning of the rental. See the Target Rent Price List for the expected amount. At the same time, a copy of the invoice for these expenses is sent to the customer.

Who is responsible for high fines during the rental period?

The customer, as the holder of the rental letter, is directly responsible for fines and/or any other type of charge deriving from violations of the highway code, failure to pay tolls and/or parking. Therefore any fines received must be appropriately paid. The customer has the right to contest them, but this must be done directly to the authorities who notified the report according to the methods and terms specified in the report itself.

Valid driving license, type B issued for at least 12 months.

Non-European Union citizens can rent in Italy only if they have an international driving license and passport.

Valid driving license: the foreign license must indicate the words “driving licence” or “permis de conduire”

What types of insurance can I purchase to eliminate body damage and theft deductibles?

There are four covers that can be purchased when renting at the counter.

  • Reduction of bodywork damage
  • Zero bodywork damage (the cost per rental day progressively decreases as the rental duration increases)
  • Zeroing in case of theft (the cost per rental day progressively decreases as the rental duration increases).
  • Elimination of bodywork damage and theft (the cost per rental day progressively decreases as the rental duration increases).

The security deposit is requested as a guarantee for the payment of damages that are not reimbursable by insurance and deductibles such as fines or damage to furnishings and accessories, resulting from the customer's incompetence and negligence. The deposit, as well as the excess, is managed by credit card and only exceptionally, and with authorization from the general management, by cash, debit card or cheques.

Remember that the credit card holder must always be present when collecting the vehicle for the mandatory recognition. It is possible to make payments by debit card or in cash at the exclusive discretion of Target Rent.

The security deposit is not a charge, but only an amount "blocked" on your credit card as a guarantee. The deposit will be released at the end of your rental following the inspection of the vehicle by the staff present at the delivery point. Although the amount is paid at the end of the rental, credit institutions' times can be long and the sum is often tied up even in the days following the end of your rental. You will be able to verify the unlocking by checking the credit limit of your card and not by crediting your current account. If the amount released on your credit card does not coincide with the amount blocked when you collect the vehicle, call the rental center immediately, ask for explanations and conclude your rental experience with total peace of mind!

Remember to communicate your VAT number and your e-mail address when signing the rental contract; if the request is made later it will not be possible as upon closing the rental Target Rent automatically issues the invoice to the private user.

If the car is returned more than 59 minutes late, the Target Rent computer system will automatically charge the Extra day. Unfortunately our operators cannot intervene manually on this aspect.

In the event of theft of the Vehicle, the Customer undertakes to report the fact to the competent Public Security Authority and to deliver an authentic copy of the report to the Lessor. In this case, payment for the rental service is due until the date of delivery of the copy of the report, in the conventional amount agreed and reported in the Rental Contract. Together with the copy of the report, the Customer is obliged to return to the Lessor the keys of the vehicle as well as the anti-theft remote control if the Vehicle is so equipped.

Each car is delivered clean, and it is necessary to return it in the same hygienic conditions. The customer has the possibility to purchase the cleaning service when collecting the car at a cost of €10.00. If the customer does not want to purchase this service, he will have to clean the car himself. In case of return of the dirty vehicle, Target Rent reserves the right to charge, from a minimum of €30.00 to a maximum of €70.00, based on the condition of the vehicle.

The Customer who books a vehicle through the website www.TargetRent.it pays a deposit equal to 20% of the rental amount, including extras. This sum will be retained by the Lessor as a compensation penalty for failure to collect, cancellation or modifications not accepted by the Lessor.

In case of dispute regarding disservices or clarifications, please write to complaints@targetrent.it; our customer service will be at your disposal for any clarification.

The voucher issued by the broker is valid up to 59 minutes from the expected delivery time. Once this limit is exceeded, the vehicle may no longer be available.

The technical stop will be charged for a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen) days of rental.

The Customer has the obligation to report any accidents or thefts to the lessor by means of a unilateral report or by means of a friendly accident report form signed by the drivers involved in the accident, within 2 (two) days of the occurrence of the same. Failure to comply with this obligation by the Customer will render the additional damage and theft protection services subscribed by the latter inoperative.

In case of booking through the site www.targetrent.it, and/or through brokers or intermediaries, the customer is obliged to consult the rental conditions on the site, in order to be clear about the relative mutual expectations to the contract that will be signed at the time of rental

There is no deductible, nor any possibility of reducing it, in the event of mechanical damage caused by the customer. In the event of mechanical damage, the customer will be required to compensate for the damage, and any additional costs, based on the repair costs incurred by Target Rent (estimate and/or invoice)

European citizens of countries belonging to the EU:

Customers from countries belonging to the EU who collect the vehicle in Italy must be in possession of a valid driving license from their country, always and when the latter is written in characters belonging to the Roman alphabet. The International Driving License accompanied by the Driving License of your country is also accepted, in the event that the latter is not written with characters belonging to the Roman alphabet.

Customers from countries outside the EU:

Customers coming from non-EU countries can drive the rented vehicle provided that, at the time of collection, they show not only their valid national driving license but also: i) an international driving license compliant with the models set out in the Geneva Conventions or of Vienna or ii) a sworn translation of your national driving licence. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that they are in possession of the aforementioned documentation before collecting the vehicle.

All licenses MUST comply with the following:

a) Be written in the Roman alphabet, with or without another alphabet.

b) Present the words “Driving License” in the language of the issuing country on the cover of the document.

c) Indicate name, date and place of birth, date of issue and expiry, name or stamp of the body that issued the document, categories of vehicles that can be driven.

d) The categories mentioned above must be indicated in a pictogram like the one that appears below

The cars can be driven without additional costs in all countries of the European Union and in Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom but insurance coverage and roadside assistance are valid only in Italian territory.

Therefore, in the event of an accident or theft of the vehicle, the deductible reduction/elimination services and roadside assistance are not applied and the customer will be considered entirely responsible for accidents, damage, theft, technical downtime and any recovery costs. Alternatively, the customer can pay the supplement called "Cross-border" which allows him to have insurance coverage and roadside assistance (included in the rate or purchased over the counter) also valid abroad. Anyone who does not have the "Cross-Border" supplement will have to repatriate the vehicle at their own expense even in the event of breakdown of the vehicle, regardless of any negligence on their part. This information is contained within the Terms and Conditions in art. 5.4. These conditions are valid for the stations of Catania, Palermo, Tropea, Crotone, Naples, Bologna, Malpensa

In the southern regions, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily, the deductible is Euro 5,000 for all car groups. In Naples it is not possible to reset the theft allowance

The cars can be driven without additional costs in all European Union countries and in Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom but insurance coverage and roadside assistance are valid only in Italian territory. Therefore, in the event of an accident or theft of the vehicle, the deductible reduction/elimination services and roadside assistance are not applied and the customer will be considered entirely responsible for accidents, damage, theft, technical downtime and any recovery costs. Alternatively the customer can

use the “Abroad Assistance Kasco Validation” Package through which, with a supplement, the customer has the possibility of validating any insurance package purchased, and/or the “Abroad Road Assistance” Package with which the customer extends roadside assistance also abroad (exclusively in permitted countries). Anyone who does not have the "Abroad Road Assistance" supplement will have to repatriate the vehicle at their own expense even in the event of breakdown of the vehicle, regardless of any negligence on their part. The serious fault of the customer (for example: incorrect fuel or proven negligence) is excluded from the coverage of these packages. These conditions apply to Malpensa, Bologna, Naples, Calabria and Sicily.

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